Songbird (SGB) Wallet Obfuscation

Date: 7th May 2022

This tool is an attempt to obfuscate a wallet from the source of funds to final destination (Seed Wallet) over the Songbird Network.

Seed Wallet

Before you begin, we should clarify what a "Seed Wallet" is.

A seed wallet is a wallet that has enough funds to make anonymous payments - this will be useful for future tools.

Seed wallets attempt to be obscure, and should try and obfuscate fund source.

Seed wallets should not be used to hold funds for the long term, rather a gateway to your final wallet.


We will require that you set up an initial wallet with funds, and MetaMask browser plugin.

This wallet would be the funds source, and therefore would require some SGB.

To play, get some SGB, and install Metamask. More instructions here.

Still Not Convinced?

That's fine, why not try out our service on the Coston Development Network?

Note that we intentionally made it slow so you can try and see what we are doing, and you can have a bit of a cooling off period.


In order to maintain the system we have to charge fees, I know how annoying, but we keep them at a minimum and simple.

Our fee 1 SGB fee per obfuscation process.

Current value per obfuscation is 200 SGB.

Your seed wallet should receive final value after our fee, minus network transaction costs.

It is recommended that you try out our service on the Coston Development Network before you use any live services.

Let's Begin

Click the "connect" button to connect MetaMask to

Seed A Wallet

  • Address
  • Private key
  • * Please make a copy of your private key, if you do not, your funds could be non-recoverable
  • Value (In SGB)

Don't have a Seed Wallet?

Don't fret, click "Create" to create one.

Seed Process

  • Click to Start Seed Process


Here is a log of actions.


It is your responsibility to use this tool correctly and legally. We do not hold any information or data by design.