Nagios Plugins

Date: 8th June 2021

Nagios is an open source software application that can be used to monitor computer systems, networks and infrastructure. It also can be configured to send alerts.

You can install Nagios here, be sure to understand the configuration options available for Nagios before installing any plugins.

Our Nagios server runs on a Raspberry Pi 4.

Nagios Tools

We have written some Nagios tools that help us monitor our XRPL Validator, FTSO Data provider and out Flare Networks' Node.

We wrote these tools in Nodejs as this is a requirement for the Flare Networks' Node.

Nagios Plugins: XRPL Validator

The following Nagios software can be used to monitor your XRPL Validator and XRPL Stock Server.

XRPL Validator: Server Check

This module checks the server_info using HTTP. It verifies that the XRPL Validator is up and running, periodically outputting its history, (complete_ledgers) and latency (io_latency_ms) amongst other information.

Nagios Plugins: Flare Networks

The following Nagios plugin software can be used to monitor your Flare Networks' node.

Flare Networks: Check Network Fees

This module outputs any network fees associated to the Flare Networks.

Flare Networks: Check Avalanche Version

Outputs the Avalanche version is running on the Flare Networks' node. This is useful when or if the Flare Networks' node software is updated.

Flare Networks: Check Network ID

Outputs the Chain ID. Useful when connecting wallets to your Flare Networks' node such as Metamask.

Flare Networks: Check Peers

Warns if it is taking a long time to communicate with peers. Indication of a connection issue or remote peer is down.

Nagios Interface

Once installed correctly, you should begin seeing Nagios output as follows.

Nagios web interface